Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Can we make up now?

You gave me that smile,
when my heart began to break.
We started talking and it was fun,
you were the person God could make.

Slowly I fell in love with you,
I can't explain the reason why.
Maybe it was your enigmatic soul,
that gave me wings to fly.

Maybe it was your loving smile,
your warm and gentle embrace.
Maybe it was your soothing eyes,
that lit up the darkest place.

Maybe it was because you saved me,
reminded me of how love feels.
I don't know for sure the reason,
only the way you made my heart heal.

I look up to you, I love you so,
there may be times we would fight
But you will always remain to be my hero.

YUCK. Soooo cheesy. *Cough* Pardon me.
"Baby I know sometimes it's gonna rainnnnn"
- Neyo (Mad)
Made love @ 11:55 PM

Shock Absorber

I find it really annoying whenever people bitch slaps me with words like "His EX is a model. A BAM model that is." and another one like "She has the height...and you don't."

Read my lips people.
Who gives a shit?
I don't. :))))))))

Okay now, ask why I'm making an issue about this? Kaay, just so you know people from all over the world JUST WON'T stop. Ever since we dated I always get that kind of insult and I usually shrug it off. But what the heck? It's been almost 8 months already. It's been that long since you guys started pissing me off, and I want to congratulate you buttheads for you finally pushed the right button! You happy now? Just so you know, I don't have problems having short legs so why you fussing about it? If I have short legs shoud I be the one aggrevating and not you guys? And oh, I don't care if she's a model because honestly and conceitedly(haha) speaking, I know I'm better than her. IN ALL ASPECTS. HAHAHA.
Disagree and you'll die. I know she often boasts that too but bleh. It's all good. She had her time, now it's my turn.

And oh why are you so proud that you're a model? For goodness sake, a BAM model? As if the world knows! I know I shouldn't be speaking like this because I haven't even achieved anything in my life just like she has *Pffft* being a model or walking down the runway, or endorsing something stupid, but fuck that. I have the man she's forever in love with and with that, I think I have achieved more than what she has achieved. I'm happy and if people can't be happy for me, I don't give a damn! I'm sorry but you people are getting on my nerves already. There wouldn't a problem in the first place if you didn't rub that in my face. I know that already okay there's no point of telling me same shit. I was even telling Joel that he must be really proud cos her Girlfriend is a model and he was lucky. I'm not that BAD after all you know. You just don't know how to get along with me. If you don't like me then I don't really have a problem dealing with that. I wasn't born to please any of you anyways.

Lihog lang nd nyo pag hilabtan kabuhi ko ky wla gd ko da ga ano cnyo. Kung nd kamo skn wala na kaso, suya-i nyo ko, tawaan, insultuhon, kg tanan2 na lain ubraha nyo skn...I don't care cos it wouldn't make me less of a person. In fact, you're making me feel that I am really a SOMEBODY cos you just can't help but notice me. :)))))))) Who cares if I'm from Roxas? Who cares if we only have 1 mall? Who cares if I talk fast? Who cares if we don't have THAT much taxis running around the city? Who cares if we don't have a lot of restaurants? And who are you calling "sunay" again? Me? REALLY NOW? :)))))))))))))))))) I dress better than you guys do! And heyyyyyyyyyy look who's in America having the brightest future? and totally living the LIFE!!!!!!!!! HATERS!!! Climb the highest cliff, jump off then call it a day!!!!! Sorry I sound so boastful but them niggas need a REALITY CHECK! My life was VERY peaceful before you came in the picture so please give it back to me!!!

If you can't accept the fact that Joel's dating someone that's not from your own city and you label sunay (esp to the ex who continually calls me that), Nigga, you make sure you remember my name... YOU'LL BE SCREAMIN IT LATER ON!

Oh I forgot.............................................
I'm a bad girl and you gotta LOVE it.
Made love @ 1:04 PM