Monday, September 29, 2008

I actually don`t want to make a big fuzz about this but I just hate it when strangers copy off my work. It annoys me big time especially when I wrote it myself! I don`t actually care if people rip off my Friendster codes or whatever shit, but what the fuck? This girl named, okay don`t be surprised, Paola copied everything I have written. Okay, I had this blog entry which was written around first week of September and it was a pretty much one hell of a downhearted blog. I wrote it after "cutting off the connection" between me and this guy I super like. So you could just imagine the emotion I had while writting it- only to find out the week later that this Big L copied it off and posted in her blog as well. And hey, not only that ha, my other blog, this one, she wrote it down too. Gosh. Parang she ctrl + A nya lahat eh. Tangina. Ang loser mo iha. Tapos tangina, sakto pa na pareho tayo ng name. Kaso hindi tayo pareho ng brain, ako meron ikaw wala. haha. Sorry na, I`m pissed eh. So yeah, check her posts. She's really pathetic. GO BASH HER! HAHAHA.
Made love @ 12:43 AM

Sunday, September 28, 2008

I am going on Hiatus for the whole month of October.  Pretty sad, I know but there are just so many things to do on that month and I don`t want to screw college just because I paid attention on my blogging rather than my school work. Haha. For the first week, I will be having my first long test in Sociology and I expect that to be freakin hard as hell. My Professor is a freakin terror in MJC and there is no way that she`ll give out an easy shizz, that`s why I really need to study real hard and focus on that. Boo. On that same week too, I will have my midterm essay test in English and that is a who-knows- how many-paragraph-800 words essay. Whoa, talk about nosebleed. 6 essays will also be due on the 2nd week and OMG, I haven`t even started anything yet. The topics my Psych teacher have given us is so out of this world and I don`t think I could even come up with an introductory paragraph for that. Gosh. See, how packed October is for me? Tsk. But I will be back though, with more kwento and more random stuff. HAHAHA I swear.
Made love @ 4:39 PM

Saturday, September 27, 2008
Eat Fetus?

I didn`t know "some" Chinese are Cannibals. No offense though, but from what I heard/read, they use fetuses in their herbal soup like fuck that, what?

Brief translation :
Shocking news circulated in China . A town in Canton is now on trend
taking baby herbal soup to
increase health and sexual performance/stamina. The cost in China
currency apprx $ 4000 (I think it is about R2000)

A factory manager was interviewed and he testified that it is effective
because he is a frequent customer. (?)

It is a delicacy (when did babies became a delicacy?) whereby expensive herbs are added to boil the baby with chicken meat (compare chicken to babies. duh) for 8 hours boiling/steaming.

He pointed to his second wife next to him , who is 19 (he is 62), and
testified that they have sex everyday..

After waiting for a couple of weeks he took this reporter to the
restaurant when he was informed by restaurant Manager that the spare rib
soup (local code for baby soup)<- what the fuck. this is really a wtf moment. was now available .

This time it was a couple who have 2 daughters and this 3rd one was
confirmed to be a daughter again.

So the couple aborted the baby which was 5 months old.. Those baby close
to be born and die naturally costs 2000 in China currency.

Those aborted ones cost a few hundreds in China Currency. Those couples
who did not want to sell dead babies, placentas can be accepted also for
couple of hundreds.

The reporter making comment that is this the problem arose from Chinese
being taking too much attention in health or is the backfire effect when
China introduced one child in a family policy .

Since the majority there prefers to have male babies, those poor little girls
end up being sold to that freakin cannibal who cooks babies. Ew, just by the thought of it disgusts me big time. I am not really sure about this though, but what the fuck? Aren`t those pictures enough for evidence? God, bless the people in China.

Pictures Here.
Made love @ 1:57 AM

Monday, September 22, 2008
Can I get any happier than this?

I finally got my wayfarers! Yeyyy! I ordered them at Ebay last week and nope, they`re not second hand or some sort. They're actually brand new and they come with cute colorful purses that I totally loved! It was also my first time to buy something on Ebay because thought everything they sell there were second hand so I didn`t bother looking. I have been looking for a cute two toned Wayfarers all over town and I couldn`t find one. Good thing my friend Jeannie stumbled into Ebay last week and saw some cute pairs online and they were really cheap. Goodness, if it wasn`t for Jeannie I wouldn`t be extremely happy today. lol. So yeah, I got my two pairs this afternoon. I swear, I was ecstatic when I opened the mail box! Haha. Here are my new babies! The yellow and green wayfarer is a lot expensive than the pink and black. Idk, why. It`s so weird but I was like maybe because it`s more colorful and attractive? Haha. But, I don`t really care, I`m happy I have new wayfarers!

And oh by the way, there`s one more thing I am happy about. We had this in-class essay last week and we had to read over this freakin long ass article and make a summary review. And guys, trust me it was not just a simple essay review. There were more than 10 steps to follow and you have to site your personal examples too. I was struggling because we only have 1 hour to finish everything and I am not even familiar with those steps yet. So, I really thought I would fail the essay and I was thinking I might get a 3 or 5. Well, I was freakin wrong because when I got my Green Book (it`s like an essay booklet) I got a freakin 9.5 and my teacher`s comment was "Paula, you did great! Your summary was perfect but you have to be a little careful about you grammar though, but over all you did good!." Seriously, I am not even lying. Omg, after reading it, I totally as in totally screamed "YEY" and my teacher has to calm me down because I was really happy! Seriously, I never expected it! So okay, I`m done for the day. :)) I`m happy. Yey. Come, celebrate with me! Haha. Hit me a comment! lol
Made love @ 8:52 PM

Saturday, September 20, 2008

What if ABS CBN would hire me as an actress in one of their shows? What if I become famous? What if I`ll take over the spotlight? What if you`ll see me on TV acting/hosting/dancing/singing or whatever shit they`ll ask me to do? OMFG what if?

It has been bothering me a lot so bare with me.

If that`s the case then, what I will do with my blogger? I don`t want people to lurk on my online journal but I don`t want to just to delete this either. Hahaha. Okaaay nag fefeeling maganda ako. HAHA. Sorry na. IAMBORED. WHATTHEFUCK.
Made love @ 9:37 PM

Thursday, September 18, 2008
I am...

ecstatic! ;)

People have been commenting on my entries and I am so happy! :) Okay, you how there`s an icon that says "Comments make me happy"? Roit. It does make me happy, seriously. When I see new comments I just get.... happy. HAHAHA. I don`t know what else to say cuz I`m just happy. Haha. Woot, so people keep the comments coming! :))

Whoa, I just said happy 6 times. I must really be happy. Oppps, 7th time. :))


Anyboo, I`m off to bed. :) I`m happy I was able to help Ma`am Dolor out with her Layout and such. I miss you Ma`am Dolor! Your Halamang Dagats miss you so much!
Made love @ 12:11 AM

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
I`m so random

I camwhored today and this is the result. Yey! Actually I have more than a hundred but I just chose the prettyful ones. Hahaha. I swear to God, the hair piece is so addicting to wear. I mean I get a lot of compliments every time I wear them so maybe that makes me want to wear them everyday. lol. There was this some kid proached me just to ask where I bought my thingie. My friends and I really thought it was random because she was about to ride the bus when she walked back towards us.

Only my English Professor was the pooper little bitch that made a comment on my hair piece. She was like "Are you a Hippie or something?" Pssh. I was like "Yeah right. It`s what you call Fashion." Seriously. She pisses the hell outta me. I was feeling the day because people have been telling me that my hair thingie is just but cute and then here she comes ranting about how I look. Pretty savage. Does she even care if I`m happie in the first place? Arrgghh! But I was glad though because my friend Katie save me from my "supposed to be humiliation". She went "If you happen to watch Gossip Girl and you know Blake Lively, she wears them. So pleaseee...." HAHA. Burn! :)) I love you Katie! You made my day. I was hella giggling in my seat after she said that. Seriously, my Professor deserved that, she is nothing but a douche bag. Wooot, I`m sorry for the term. :))


I`m hungry.....
but Dad doesn`t want to cook.

He said tama na daw that I ate 3 slices of Pizza for lunch. Hahaha. Opps, 3 slices. Sorry, I was really hungry when I got home from school so I kinda munched on those pizzas. But anyhoo, I am really hungry. My tummy is making tunog already! If only I know how to cook, then I wouldn`t have any problem. Boo. I need to learn how to cook, I seriously do. Boo.

Daddy even said "I thought you`re on a diet? Look at your pata oh, it`s so big." Whoa, thank you dad. I`m pretty sure my pata isn`t that big naman noh, he just made that up so that I would stop asking him to cook something for me. Boo. This sucks. I wish I`m in the Philippines so I could just call my Yaya and ask her to cook for me. Wala pa reklamo. Boo. This is the downside if you live in America: no one does things for you. :| I miss my life in the Philippines. I`m not like the super seniorita back home but I could say that I had a good life. Seriously.

Wow, from talking about my hair piece it led to a super melodramatic entry?? :)) Boo. Whoa, I`m so random. I just plug in topics out of nowhere. Haha. Pardon my randomness, it`s really one of my problem. ♥
Made love @ 10:02 PM

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Realllly Quick!

Okay I just have to do this really quick!

I want to give my shout out to Ivy for helping me put up my comment box which is in the upper right corner. Baah. Thank you so much Ivy for taking your time editing the codes for me, it was really sweet! And uhm, I`m sorry for mistaken you as Filipino, I really didn`t mean that. You really look like one, so I thought you really were a Filipino. Anyhoo, I hope to meet you pretty soon, since you`re only live an hour away from Modesto. lol. Good luck in UCR!

And and and and Rosadelle! Hehe. I finally got a help from someone and meron na kong comment box!! Yehey! lol Now you could comment all the entries I have here. Yiheee. Actually you were the main reason why I asked a random blogger to put those codes for me, good Ivy was really nice and she took time editing the codes. lol. I`m so FC talaga to people. Hehe. So ayun, plus it was sweet of you din to search how to put up comments sa web. Thanks thanks! :)

Sayonara Yo! Thanks again Ivy!
Made love @ 11:56 PM

Monday, September 15, 2008
Back on track!

It`s almost morning!!!!!!

I can`t freakin put myself to sleep. I was already in bed 30 minutes ago when I decided to get up and check First Love`s comments. I know, it`s so random. I checked my over 4 thousand comments in friendster and it almost took me forever before I could finally get the hold of them. His last comment was in 05 I guess, so what do you expect? :) All of them were short but sweet and there was this extremely long one and he sent it two times. I wanted to post it all here but I was likeee never mind. I don`t to bare his identity, so there. Lol

After reading his comments for more than 348725 times, I decided to make a video for him, a music video I should say. lol. I sang my favorite song which is, The way I am by Ingrid Michaelson and it is as well my song for him. The song`s kinda mushy it`s about a couple who takes each other`s imperfection perfectly. I know we`re not a couple or whatsoever, but I don`t know; everytime I hear the song on the radio, it makes me think about him.

I swear this is the first song I unbolted in public and it`s all because of him! OMG. :)) Hahaha. See, what love can do talaga! lol. Well anyway, I`ve been getting querries lately about my "fake zanjoe'. To tell you guys honestly, I am so over him. He could die now for all I care. :) My "thing" with him just made me realize that no matter what happens, no matter whose you`re flirting with, no matter how strong the feeling is, First Love never really dies and I just want to thank "fake zanjoe" for making me realize that! What I felt for him was not love after all. It was just a god damn infatuation and never in my life I will engage in the same situation, never!

So now, I am back on track and I am back in being a prisoner of love. I love you first love, always have, always been.

Made love @ 2:23 AM

Sunday, September 14, 2008
3 short weeks!

Baaaah. I haven`t blogged that much lately and it makes me sad. Blogging is almost part of my support system and every time I wish to blog just about anything, I always as in always end up deleting everything. What`s happening to me? Baaah. But this time, I will really try and finish this entry and I`ll try to condense everything that happened to me in the last 2-3 weeks.

So, would you congratulate me for surviving three weeks in College? Fuck yeah. I just F----ing survived college! Omg, what an achievement! Haha. College makes my life f--ing busy and I`m not used to it, seriously. Back in High School, I was just the happy-go-lucky student and I don`t like really focue to what the teachers are saying/teaching. I just go to school just because my parents told me so. But this time? Omg! I go to school because I want to learn new things. I go to school because I`m inspired. I go to school because I am actually having fun! Seriously, when I first thought about it, I can`t even believe it. Seryoso pare. Hahahaha. :))

What even made it more fun is because I transfer from one school to the other. So I practically ride the bus everyday and it`s so much fun! I haven`t rode to any buses ever here in Modesto and it was my first time so you can just imagine me getting all hyped everytime I see the bus coming. Hahaha. In fact, I always look forward in riding the bus everyday, like I`m serious. I know it`s so mababaw but it`s really fun. The bus lady is just the sweetest and add those people you get to meet everyday; some of them are really cool and some are just plain random. One time I was sitting at the far back of the bus and there was this one Asian guy who tapped my back for 287382973 times but I didn`t bother talking to me and he went "HEY MISS READING HER ENGLISH BOOK. I`M VINCENT." Pretty random, yeah. Asians are really weird just like that. I turned my back and told him my name was Louise and I transffered seat. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. :))

Anyboo, so much about my bus experience.

Psych101 is interesting though too much thinking is needed, I am still enjoying and my teacher is just so f--ing cool. Do you know anyone who plays Guitar Hero in a classroom? :)) Fuck. Only my teacher does that! Hahaha. She brings her Xbox everyday and before we start the actual lesson, she`d play. :)) So cool. Hahaha.

Socio101 sucks. Thats all I can say about that subject. I suck at analyzing things especially when its about the freakin society. Wtf? What do I know about it? Errrr.

OKAY. That was random but dang it I`m running out of things to say/share.

I`m currently watching Kimora Life in the Fab lane and I`m so into it. :)) Hahaha. Tadaaaa! Goodnight loves!
Made love @ 11:17 PM

Saturday, September 13, 2008
High School

This is just a spin off to Kristel`s blog. :))

Almost everyone is talking about it. Yes, I`m talking about the MMK episode today which was way too cute by the way. Talk about relate here. Haha.

High School for me define the words:

- Oh yes. Whether you cried over a guy, you lost one your friends, you made a wrong decision, you failed a test, you were grounded and etc. Drama in high school is always present. I myself could even attest to that. I can`t even take track of how many times I cried when I was in High School.

- Wooot. This is my favorite part. I used to be a party whore back in High School and my friends and I really go out every Friday night and hit the bar! And yes Kri, those were the Syrup days. :)) Awww. But we were never the wild girls, never. We are tamed and we know our limitations. Right, right? :)) I missed Syrup na so bad and I miss my La Familia! I only stopped partying when I got here, which is super lame because you have you be 21 before you could like really go out and party.

- "Call me and Id make it juicy for yaaa" My baby girls and I don`t really like gossiping but hey it`s like the hobby of every HS Teen. They make up some stupid stories just to ruin someone else`s lives. I`ve been through a lot when I was in High School and the worst gossip I have ever heard was that I got pregnant dw thats why I migrated. That was like the worst thing ever but I never actually reacted because I know the truth and everybody could just fuck off. :))

So to cut it short, High School is a big part of our lives and it was in High School that we were able to shape ourselves of who and what we have become now. I could really say that High School is the high light of my life as a teen. I have grown a lot better because of the experiences I had in High School whether it was good or bad. I miss those 4 stressful years of my life. Yes, I was more stressed in High School than in College. Maybe because aside from my school work, I still have to consider my boyfriend, my friends, unnecessary things and whole lot more. I didn`t know what were my priorities before so my life was a little screwed up. But with my screwed up life, I have learned a lot in High School and those lessons will stay with me forever.

Also in High School, I was able to gain friends; and not just friends, but real and true friends for life. They said you will find your true friends in HS and I`m glad to say, I already found mine. They may not communicate as much as I went them to but I know in my heart that they`re always there for me and they love me all the way. Lakosa, Gwapakmi, SMAC0607, thank you so much for everything. Without you guys, I might have not survived High School! I love you!! :))

MMK`s episode today just made me miss my friends even more! :(( :| Boo. My HS friends are the best. I couldn`t even look up in the dictionary what word best describes them. They are just... indescribable! :)) LOL. I miss you guys! Wait for me next year, I will invade the Philippines!
Made love @ 5:22 PM

Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Never been Marcused

We all know that Cw`s Gossip Girl was such a big hit. It was even ranked as the 230th program last year. Isn`t that wonderful? I mean, for a Gossip Girl fan like me I can smell nothing but victory! I am a self confessed Gossip Girl Addict ever since and to tell you frankly, I have not missed any episode since the first day it started! It is just but addicting! Blair and Chuck are the sweetest and nonetheless the most gorgeous and hottest couple ever!

But, that wasn`t the only reason why I`m watching Gossip Girl. The program itself just covers a whole lot of things going on in the society and I could pretty much relate to it. There will always be the Mean Girls, the Nobos and so much more. What they show us is actually what is happening in the real world. It is not just a show to keep people entertained, but as well as making known to public that, this is it- this is US. And not to mention, their clothes are to die for. Gosh Blair and Serena wears any expensive clothes you could think of. I myself couldn`t even enumerate all of them because trust me, there are stocks of clothes! One more thing I like about the show is how they come up with their lines. It is just so amazing listening to every word they say and I would be surprised that by the end of the show I could pretty much recite that signiture line. So freakin' amazing!

My favorite character in Gossip Girl is Blair Waldorf. OMG, if you have seen any of the episodes I know you already love her by now. I could say that most girls that watch the show loves Blair rather than Serena. Some people say they love Blair because she has nicer hair than S, she`s way prettier than S, she is very mysterious and very clever. But the thing I like most about Blair is she is so MEAN. Mean in a way that you won`t grow hating her but loving her instead. She is this one little Bitch that you love to hate rather than hate to hate. LOL. I don`t know if I made that clear but, yeah. I love her because she is just the cutest when she gets even! Blair Waldorf is defintely Love! I might have not survived Senior Year without her fashion tips, seriously! :)

So tell me, how in this world could be stop from watching Gossip Girl? Is there any way parents could do that? I say Hell no. I`d still prefer watching Gossip Girl on Monday nights rather than watching History Channel or Discovery Channel. I know I sound stupid, but hey, I`m a teen. Give me a break!
Made love @ 4:55 PM

Friday, September 5, 2008
Drama Queen

I completely understand. I know for a fact that you don`t like me. Gosh, I bet you will never ever like me at all. But actually you don`t have to tell me anymore because I could tell. You don`t have to keep me as a special person in your life either. Don`t worry because I don`t expect. But somehow I wish for something else that when you think of me at least you smile. That`s more than enough.

He was mine but not really. I never really had him so I never really lost him. I guess this is how we will always be, I had him and he had me but the again there is no US. I guess this really is the real life. I don`t always get what I want and things don`t always go my way no matter how hard I try to make it work. I do things that I dread I never actually did but I try to learn from them anyways so I have not lose anything. Sometimes we just have to learn and sometimes we just don`t.

They said love hits us like a speeding bulletin and then BOOM. We could`t feel it at first unless we see ourselves bleeding. In my case, I saw it coming. I knew I would end up falling for him but I just didn`t bother because I thought he feels the same way. I thought he would be able to digest it all and would return the favor. But I was effin wrong. The only sad thing about my situation is that I know that there`s no hope for the both of us, yet I still pray to make it work. Pretty stupid? Yeah I know.

P.S: Wow third blog for today? Gosh, DQ much.
Made love @ 12:35 AM

Thursday, September 4, 2008
Damn right.

I`m looking forward when the day comes that those people who did me wrong would come up to me and say. "I was wrong I never really loved _____. I loved you more than I loved her." and I`d smile and say "Right, kiss my ass but I just don`t care anymore."
Made love @ 10:57 PM

Monday, September 1, 2008
Blair Bands

I have tons and tons and tons of Blair bands but I refused to wear them now. Gosh, haven`t you noticed? Almost everyone in the Philippines is wearing them and even kids at school wear them and I`m like wow.

I know it was pretty much of a craze when Bianca and Ma started wearing them on-screen and I guess they`re the only celebrity I know who gave justice to Meester`s role. Only the two of them can pull off a pretty cute Blair outfit with matching Blair bands. But other people? Gosh, I would rather not comment on that. So don`t even get me started. :)))))

It just surprises me seeing way too many people wearing the "Blair bands" nowadays thinking that not even half of them knows who Blair Waldorf is. Well, they might have the idea but I`m quite sure they don`t watch the Tv show itself cuz some people associate the Blair bands as the "Mariel head bands". But whatever you know, I love Mariel and I have nothing to say but good words about her. She`s too pretty when she`s wearing them.

I was watching Wowowee couple of months ago and I was so stoked seeing people wearing them. God, even street kids wear them. And gosh, in Wow alone I saw like 8437126417 teens with colorful satin blair bands and OMG, I even saw a Lola wearing them. I`m like okaaaaaaaay, this craze has gone way too far already.

Bitchy post I know but aarrghhhh! Being the GG addict that I am, it irritates me seeing the big bow on everybody`s head. Well, some of people could really pull them off but others just DON`T. The more that everybody`s wearing it the more it looks cheap. Tsk. I`m so giving my blair bands away.
Made love @ 1:08 AM