Tuesday, December 18, 2007

F*ck it dude. Im currently studying for my common final for health right now and I dont feel like it. I feel hella sick right now and Im no in good mood to study.Just because my teacher was grumpy last period it doensn't mean that in the middle of wilderness he'll just come up to me and tell me I'm taking the test the day after tomorrow. F*ccckk eeetttt! I even remember him saying that I could take the test right after when I get back and it wouldn't even matter at all. Just as long as I will take it, my grades will be fine. But here he goes, he came up to me and told me that I better get the test on thursday or I'll a D on his class. Like that's soo freakin messed up. Grrrr. I hate it when your teacher's so old school! So anyways, yeah I just have to deal with it and fuckin study my ass off than flunking the subject though its freakin against my will. Fuck iitt. I'm just fuckin pissed cuz though I blabla here, nothing will happen whether I like it or not, I will still take the fuckin test. BOO!

Nowicki is such a badass teacher!

Well for some weird reasons, I tried talking to my "old" sis through friendster. But I think it didn't work though. She stopped commenting back which is of course an obvious sign that she doesn't want to talk to me. :) But all is well, I have no grudge against her and somehow, I made her feel that I moved on and forget what happened in the past. I just hope she did too and the rest of my friends. Keeping anger within ourselves is not healthy. It could bring a whole lot of damange, pranoia is one, and I know it fer sher. Oh well.

7 days before Christmas you guys. Isn't it exciting?

hellznaw fer me.
Made love @ 9:27 PM

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Waaaah. Can you believe it, I only have 5 more days before winter break and one more week before I actually go home to the Philippines!!! Whoohoo! I guess no one in this big damn world is extremely excited than Paula Roldan && Family. Seriously dude, we're just so high these past few days because after almost a year when we left Roxas, we'll be back home, back with our families and friends we missed the most!

But well, except my mom though. She has been really negative about going home because she knows that people would expect a lot from her. You know what I'm saying? You know how Filipinos are, once you got to America they think you're super rich na. So she fears that people would go ambush her and ask for money. Another thing that she's anxious about is our dreadful gastos when we get home. She expects it to be tremedously gastos to the max. She even told me that "Pao, please naman. Hold on to your excitement kasi I know ma shopping ka naman to one way or another." And she's actually right I will take the advantage, everything here in America is EXPENSIVE and we all know that everything in the Philippines is cheap so yeah :)) But I will not exceed to my limits though, I will try not to cross my mom's border line. lol

Speaking of mom na sermonan naman ako today. Because since its Sunday, today is a day of procrastination. :D I have quite a lot of packets need to be done before I leave yet I procrastinated and I was stuck in my laptop the whole day today. I'm kinda worried though because I know for sure that by the end of the week, I'll be recieving more packets and I dont think I will be able to finish that before I leave. Grrr. This is just driving me craayzeee. Just so you know guys, I will be given a whole bunch of packets on Friday because Im on our what we call "Independent Study". Since I will be gone for almost a month, I need to take IS and do all the packets even though we haven't really tackled that certain topic. Mr. Baum told me that the best thing to do is; bring all my packets and books to the Philippines so while I am there I could work on it and I could study as well for the finals. I was like OKAY? Does he really mean it? Cuz he does, it doesn't really help because I will never ever bring any packets in the Philippines not even my books. HELL NO! I will savor every minute I am there and I won't even dare waste 1 second of my time while I'm there. So I really need to start doing it, or else I'll be really forced to bring it home!
Made love @ 9:16 PM

Saturday, December 15, 2007
Shopping Galore

My feet are sore, my back is aching, my nose is freezing and my whole body's cold. I just got home after 5 hours of non-stop Christmas shopping and it felt so good. :) I know I've been bitchy about the upcoming Holiday lately but I dont know, I felt the presence just today. Maybe because I was able to buy all my friends some good stuff and maybe because I set aside the fact that though we won't be in the Philippines for this year's Christmas we know that we will always be in their hearts no matter what. ♥

Anyways, I get to wrap all the things we bought today and I am so happy because I could actually wrap a gift now without any help from my mom. Isn't that so cool? LMAO. Yes you read that right, this was my first time wrapping gifts for Christmas. I used to help my mom though but it really doesnt last because I'm busy doing my own work and I'm usually out. So this time, I made up to my mom and instead of her wrapping all the gifts I volunteered to do it. She was all "NO THANK YOU PAO you'll just kill it like you always do". hahaha. I can't blame her though, my role before was just to cut the scotch tape and that was it. But she was really amazed when she saw me doing all the work and I was enjoying doing it.

Tomorrow is techinacally the first day of Simbang Gabi and for the first time is several years, we won't be able to go. First, there's no mass in our Church and we have to go all the way to Stockton if we really wished to but it's a 45 minute ride. Second, my mom has to work the following day so it would be hard for her because she's a heavy sleeper. And lastly, we're doing our laundry today, I mean we're actually doing it right now, 12:16 am. Yeessss. We really doing it because we're leaving the week after and we still lack clothes to bring, so there. :) It's kinda sad though because we used to really go to church throughout that nine days but now, we couldn't just some lame old reasons. Hay hay hay. :[[ This makes me depress again.
Made love @ 11:59 PM

Wednesday, December 12, 2007
We failed

The heart of a friend doesnt grow old. It has no time nor age. It doesnt get weary because it takes no effrort. I just cares, shares and goes on. - Donna Marie Rosales Luces

I don't regret for the amount of love and care I gave to her. She was once a friend and will always be a friend to me. Though she did backstab me and my friends, yet the friendship we had was unbeatable. We were like the best partners in crime ever. She was like almost a sister to me and she treated me as her's too. We we're hecka inseperable that everytime people would go see where's Donna, she would always tags me along with her and same with me. It's just so depressing to think that after all the love, care and friendship we gave her, we got nothing from her. Talking about "utang na loob" here but I guess for some odd reasons, she doesn't know what that word means. Just right after her friends trashed her out and made false accusations about her who does she think picked her up and helped her to move on? Was it her so called "friends"? Oh f*ck no. It was us who made her feel she belongs. It was us who tried making her feel better each day. It was us who made her happy during the times when all she did was cry. I was the one who fought for her and stood up for her all those times but still I didn't get anything from her. I know I shouldn't ask anything in return though, but all I want was for her to realize that we were not the "bad girls" that she was talking about. She was saying that we "influenced" her to be this and that when infact it was her friends who did that to her. It just makes me sad because just when I though everything is so perfect, so surreal, here she goes, ruining the friendship we had.

But you know what's funny about it? I miss her, I really do. I miss our kagagahan moments. I miss how she kicks in her corniest joke and she would go laugh her ass out while us, we're still thinking what her joke was about. I miss partying with her. I miss everything that we used to do together. I even miss the stupidiest things we do when we're at Gaisano- saying Hi to a stranger and the just ran off. I miss how we do our little pictorial everday. But most of all I just miss my "sis". PERIOD.

I just hope that one day when all is well, we could have our little talk just like before and rekindle the friendship we once had. There's really a lot of things i missed doing with her, words are not even enough. But somehow though our frienship failed, I am still thankful that once in my life I met a gaga/buang/adik/shunga-shunga friend like her. :) I don't hate her anymore. Actually I never hated her, I just had to loosen up our connection because of the incident and I don't like issues. Plus my friends were really affected so I didnt tell them that all these time, I still and will always consider Donna "My Sis".

Made love @ 10:13 PM

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Today is just any other stressful day for me. I had to shower a resident today and I was paired with some Mexican chiq that I didnt even like. >:-/ So okay, I was getting the sheets ready, the bath blanket and those kinds of stuff and all she did was sit down, talked to her friend and ask me favors. Like WHAT THE FUCK DUDE!? talking about work here! Then she would act like she knows everything. She goes "Have you done pericare? If not, then do it now we're running out of time." and I was like "Okay?" If only I wasn't educated enough just like her, I could've slap that bitch or worst I could've stuck that dirty brief into her mouth. Seriously dude. I started my day so bad and she just made it worst.

Plus I was too nervous because I have my big test in Anatomy the next period and I expect it to be as hard as the previous ones, I almost had a breakdown due to stress and tiredness. Well, not really. I was just glad that the test wasn't that bad enough. Everybody was like "Do you think you did good on the test?" and I was like "It wasn't that bad though." and they'd all give me this look. I just dont get them. This was actually the easiest test Duewell ever gave us and now they'd go complain how hard the friggin test was. But in the last few chapters that we tested that I HAD the hard time, it was just so easy for them. All I know is, the test wasn't the usual "Duewell test" for me it turned out fine and I guess, hopefully passed it. *sigh*.
Anyhow, I'm all alone right now. My mom has work today and both my dad and my brother are out somewhere. I dont know where they are, I was asleep when they told me they're leaving. Basically my senses wasn't functioning well during that moment so I didnt hear them at all. So here I am, stuck in my big ol messy slash dumpsite room and doing what I do best, Blogging. LMFAO.

By the way, here's the picture of how my room looks like. Pretty huh? LMFAO. NOT. Everything is just scattered around because everyone just throws things in here from bobbypins to rice cooker. LOL. These are just some of the things that we're bringing home and some of the pasalubongs too. I cant barely wait til the next two weeks of my life. :))

Made love @ 8:52 PM